Monday, November 23, 2015

Winn HW

Homework, due Tuesday, December 1
Read Marie Winn’s “Television: The Plug-In Drug”
  1. SOAPSTone
  2. Vocabulary: temporal, prescience, reservation, affirmation, passivity
Review salutary, ambivalence, claim

Term: Concession, syntax

Journal: Full-page response: How does some specific genre of TV affect American society (individuals, family, or society in general)?  You might choose to focus on any of the following genres or you can come up with one not listed:  

Reality TV (either of the voyeur type or the skilled competitions)
24 hour news cycle
TV Drama


Monday, November 16, 2015

Not school related, but...

I have a friend who fosters dogs and she is currently looking for a home for this little cuddle bug.  If your family is interested, let me know and I'll put you in touch with her.

Friday, November 13, 2015

King HW - Due Thursday Nov 19

Read “Letter from  Birmingham Jail”, King, Jr
Vocab:  feigned, detached, grudging, cynicism, allusive, evocation
Terms: rhetorical question, imperative sentence, compound-complex sentence, apostrophe
Part one: Describe what King does in the two sentences that make up his second-to-last paragraph (par 49) How do these two variations on an apology sum up his approach to argument in this essay?
Part two: Pick a law people might break because they think it is wrong. If you might do so too, write a journal in which you defend your actions. If you would not, write a journal in which you argue against those who would. Consider the reasons King cites for his violations of the law.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Orwell HW - due Thursday

George Orwell “Shooting an Elephant”, due Thursday, November 12
  1. Terms and Vocabulary (besides the assigned terms, look up any others you are unfamiliar with in the text.)

  1. Ambivalence     10. Polemical (review)
  2. Antipathy           11. Didactic (review)
  3. Indifference       12. trivial
  4. Imperialism
  5. Lugubrious
  6. Candid
  7. Reflective
  8. Salutary
  9. Epiphany

  1. Warrant
  2. Claim
  3. Periodic Sentence
  4. Qualifier
  5. Rebuttal
  6. Extended metaphor
  1. Be sure to complete SOAPSTone

  1. For your journal: Write an essay in which you discuss the nature of Orwell’s epiphany.   Compare how Orwell and two other writers have presented narrative experience that leads a protagonist to enlightenment.  Refer specifically to the text of each piece and include those features of style and rhetoric that you consider important.  This journal will be longer than other journals you’ve written.  Note that you are drafting an essay response.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Woolf HW - Due Friday

Read: Virginia Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth”
  1. In your journal, respond to the imagery and rich prose, and to Woolf’s treatment of death.  Also, pick two of the questions on 451 to respond to in your journal.  So, your journal is three parted.

  1. Do SOAPSTone

  1. Define the following terms:
Concrete vs. abstract
Subjective vs. objective
Literal vs. figurative

  1. Define the following vocabulary:
