Monday, October 24, 2016

Formal Essay notes

Make sure you read through this document as you are revising your Oscar Wilde or Queen Elizabeth speech

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Plato HW due 10/26

Read (and annotate) Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” multiple times.

Term: Oxymoron

In your reading journal, focus on the following things:
  1. Vocabulary you need to know to understand the allegory.  Collect as many words from the reading that you need and gather their definitions and any sample sentences or examples that you need in order to make sense of the allegory.

Split the next two questions over your one page journal entry:
  1. Respond to question 4 on page 299.
  2. Explain in a paragraph why this is called an allegory.  You might identify the allegorical representations and the message.

Complete SOAPSTone, of course

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Important announcement

I'm sorry I wasn't there today. Don't stress over today's team quiz.  It was actually a NOT quiz. Meaning it counts for participation but not accuracy.  Also for tomorrow, you will still have the terms and vocab quiz but you will also do one reading and 10 questions from a released AP test. Those will be your two quizzes.  I also am aware that I did not answer questions about the stereotypes project. I will address that on Monday.

To both hours - You will write an impromptu on Monday. It will not be on Ericsson but a released RA from the AP.

Do know that I would be there if I had any semblance of a voice at all. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

UPDATE: Stereotypes project

Please read the document for instructions on your Defying Stereotypes Project.  I will answer any and all questions tomorrow (Thursday) first thing in class.

Due date - Carlisle Thursday 10/20, Willett Wednesday 10/19

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ericsson - due Tuesday

Ericsson, “The Ways We Lie”

SOAPSTone: Be concise.

Journal: Describe the consequences of a day in which you told no lies, one full page, minimum.

Terms: polysyndeton, asyndeton, cumulative sentence, colloquialism, Rhetorical Question

Vocabulary: omission, façade, lively, didactic, moralistic, provocative, sarcastic, acerbic, nonchalant, confrontational, informal, functional, deflection, groupthink, cliché, delusion

Terms Review: hyperbole, metaphor, personification, metonymy

General Review: run-on sentence, complex sentence

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Eighner R/S questions

Use these questions for discussion tomorrow.  Also, reading and terms/vocab quizzes will be THURSDAY.