Monday, December 7, 2015

Johnson HW - due Thursday

Steven Johnson – “Games” p 196-201
Terms: induction, rhetorical question, cumulative sentence, periodic sentence, compound sentence, compound-complex sentence, inverted syntax, anaphora, analogy, 2nd and 3rd person point of view

Vocab: hypothetical, belligerent, patronizing, derisive, satiric, skeptical, contention, cynical, invoke, ostensible, honed

Complete a SOAPSTone

Journal  -  Read a book. How many times have you heard this in your life? Many people argue that children watch too much tv and play too many video games. Is it possible to read too many books? Answer (with development and in one page or more) the question about books. Can they be just as dangerous as tv and/or video games? Why or Why not?

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