Thursday, January 28, 2016

Staples HW due Monday

Sorry for the delay.  We all have finals on the brain. But you are done and I still have to grade....sigh.

At any rate, here is your assignment.

Homework:   Read “Just Walk on By: Black Men in Public Space” by Brent Staples

  1. Review the following terms:
    1. Abstract
    2. Parallel syntax
    3. Understatement
    4. Irony
    5. Paradox
    6. Analogy
    7. Allusion
  2. Review or find the following vocabulary:
    1. Menacing (ly)
    2. Unwieldy
    3. Lethal (ity)
    4. Contempt
    5. Detachment
    6. Disdain
    7. Reproach
  3. SOAPSTone
  4. Journal: Respond to questions 2 and 4 on page 386 in full page journal.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Missing words from vocab list

generosity, apathetic, joyous, illustrated, orchestrated, polarizing, societal, polemic, sustainable, antithetical, reverence, difident

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Swift HW

Read Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.”
While reading, consider diction, attitude, tone, and the elements and structure of Swift’s argument.  Respond to the piece (its message and form) in your journal response.
Vocabulary: avarice, gentility, indulgence, refinement, exploitation, philanthropy, misogyny, genteel, Papists, diffident, assuage, candor

Term: Satire, parody

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Ad project submission

As we talked about in class, to save time during the switching of presentations you will need to submit your presentation ahead of time. ALL presentations are due by class time tomorrow. Each class has their own link to submit presentations. Please click on your hour and use the google form to submit.  You will need to use Google slides - this is available to everyone - it's just like powerpoint. If you have already made a Prezi or some other web based platform, please use that link.

If you have any questions before tomorrow REGARDING SUBMISSION, I will answer emails received before 8pm.

1st hour

3rd hour