Thursday, January 28, 2016

Staples HW due Monday

Sorry for the delay.  We all have finals on the brain. But you are done and I still have to grade....sigh.

At any rate, here is your assignment.

Homework:   Read “Just Walk on By: Black Men in Public Space” by Brent Staples

  1. Review the following terms:
    1. Abstract
    2. Parallel syntax
    3. Understatement
    4. Irony
    5. Paradox
    6. Analogy
    7. Allusion
  2. Review or find the following vocabulary:
    1. Menacing (ly)
    2. Unwieldy
    3. Lethal (ity)
    4. Contempt
    5. Detachment
    6. Disdain
    7. Reproach
  3. SOAPSTone
  4. Journal: Respond to questions 2 and 4 on page 386 in full page journal.

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