Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Mrs. Bates and Mrs Lang at Salem have organized a trip to see MacBeth at Stratford on Thursday May 12.  It is open to uperclassmen IB and AP students.

-- Cost is $60 and includes the bus and ticket.  Students will need to bring money for lunch and dinner.  The payment from the student must be in cash or a check made to PCCS in an envelope labeled with his or her name, English teacher, and contact info.  Payments can be delivered to Shelley Bates in Salem room 2204 or Dayna Lang in room 2302.

-- The trip departs at 7am and returns at 10pm.  Band students will not be able to attend because they have a concert that night.

-- We got the best possible seats for the student price: in the back three rows of the orchestra section, to the right and left of the center aisle.

-- Here is Stratford's Macbeth page to show the kids:

-- Trailer for the 2016 season to show the kids (it's awesome!): 

-- Family members are welcome as chaperones / guests.  The price is the same.

We would like to have payments in by this Friday, 2/5.  

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