Monday, February 22, 2016

White HW due Friday

E.B. White: Please review all terms.  
For the quiz, you can focus on these terms: Parallelism, metaphor, personification, description, simile, parataxis
Vocab: prominent, subordination, coordination, qualification, progeny, exhilaration, copious, accumulation, gunwale, mere, startled, rapt, anticipation
Journal/essay: Choose one and write an essay response.  Clearly, this will be longer than the traditional journal.

  1. Write an essay in which you discuss the effect of White’s development according to parataxis, i.e., his copious use of “and” as a rhetorical device.  Refer to several examples from the text to support your essay.
  2. Construct a thesis about the nature of epiphany.  Use the text of White’s essay and that of two of the following to support your thesis:
    1. Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”
    2. Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth”
    3. Vowell’s “Shooting Dad”
  3. Recall a special place that you regard as fondly as White does the lake in Maine.  Write an essay imitating E.B. White that describes that place and delivers a personal insight.  

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