Monday, March 21, 2016


REMEMBER:  If I can get my old(ish) out of shape self out there, so can YOU!

Please join me on May 1st.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

AP registration

Use this document for instructions on how to register ONLINE.  This is new for this year, hence the reason for the delay.  BTW you must use a school account to access that document. I cannot change the settings for you. Any questions, check in counselling.

American Intstitute for Foreign Study

I have received information that you might be interested in. The AIFS is holding 4 summer workshops that are about 5 weeks long of intense language study.

Workshops available:
San Jose, Costa Rica 7/2 - 8/6, $4,995 Includes housing, meals, insurance and up to 6 credit hours from Veritas University

Paris, France
6/26 - 7/30 $5,695 Includes housing, meals (breakfast and a $subsidy for dinners), insurances, an excursion to London, and up to 6 hours university credit from the Sorbonne.

Rome, Italy
6/22 - 7/23  $5,695. Includes housing, meal vouchers, insurance, an excursion to Florence, and up to 7 hours credit from The American international University in London (campus in Rome)..

Salamanca, Spain
6/28 - 7/30 $4,545.  Includes hosuing, meal allowances (or 3 meals a day if in a home), insurance, excursions to Segovia, Avila, Mogarraz, La Alberca, and Riomalo, and up to 4 credits at University of Salamanca.

Please contact me ASAP for application information. The deadline to apply for most of these is MARCH 15!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pollan HW

For Friday, read Michael Pollan’s “What’s Eating America”.  The following homework is also due Friday.

  1. Terms.  Mostly reveiw, with a couple new ones: metaphor, pathos, logos, ethos, subjectivity, objectivity, parallelism, sentence fragment, concrete details, inverted syntax, anaphora, premise, qualify, refute, transition, syntax, irony, antimetabole, amplification

  1. Vocabulary: mitigated, contemporary, proximity, articulate, assertion, generalize, magnitude, mock, chronological, miraculous, capitalism, colonize, boon, anachronism

  1. Journal Response:  Answer question two or four on pages 305-6 with a full-page response.

  1. SOAPSTone

  1. Do any research necessary to fully understand the text, annotate, and bring questions if you have them.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Thoreau - HW due MONDAY 3/7

Read "Where I Lived and What I Lived For" pg 404 in book. If you do not have the correct edition, here is a PDF copy.

Review all devices, especially the following:  periodic sentence, compound sentence, cumulative sentence, antithesis, antecedent

Vocabulary:  fond, salutary, resignation, sublime, marrow, rout, frittered, heedless, German Confederacy


** Please also research and understand any other references to ideas, concepts, historical events, etc., that you need to understand in order to fully comprehend the piece.

Journal:  Choose one of the questions on page 409 to respond to in a one-page journal.