Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pollan HW

For Friday, read Michael Pollan’s “What’s Eating America”.  The following homework is also due Friday.

  1. Terms.  Mostly reveiw, with a couple new ones: metaphor, pathos, logos, ethos, subjectivity, objectivity, parallelism, sentence fragment, concrete details, inverted syntax, anaphora, premise, qualify, refute, transition, syntax, irony, antimetabole, amplification

  1. Vocabulary: mitigated, contemporary, proximity, articulate, assertion, generalize, magnitude, mock, chronological, miraculous, capitalism, colonize, boon, anachronism

  1. Journal Response:  Answer question two or four on pages 305-6 with a full-page response.

  1. SOAPSTone

  1. Do any research necessary to fully understand the text, annotate, and bring questions if you have them.

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