Tuesday, February 28, 2017

E.B. White

E.B. White:  
Due Tuesday, March 7
Focused review terms: Parallelism, metaphor, personification, description, simile, parataxis
Vocab: prominent, subordination, coordination, qualification, progeny, exhilaration, copious, accumulation, gunwale, mere, startled, rapt, anticipation
Journal/essay: Choose one and write an essay response.  Clearly, this will be longer than the traditional journal.
  1. Construct a thesis and write an essay about the nature of epiphany.  Use the text of White’s essay and that of two of the following to support your thesis:
    1. Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”
    2. Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth”
    3. Vowell’s “Shooting Dad”
Recall a special place that you regard as fondly as White does the lake in Maine.  Write an essay imitating E.B. White that describes that place and delivers a personal insight.

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