Monday, March 27, 2017

Didion HW - due THURSDAY

  1. Read Joan Didion’s “On Morality”
  2. Soapstone
  3. Terms: simile, metaphor, polemical argument, hyperbole, parallel structure, irony, qualification, anaphora, periodic sentence, (all are review)
Vocab: prominent, morality, abdicate, abstruse, esoteric, primitive, abstract reasoning, resolute, assumption, hysteria, perversion, elaborate, cogency, proffer, supposition, proposition, factitious, moral imperative, plausible, reiterates, indignant, didactic, speculative, bemused, earnest, querulous, maudlin, contemptuous, grave, condescending, mocking, insidious
Be sure to know all of the terms and vocab for the quiz.

  1. Journal: One to two page response to any one of the four questions on page 111.

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