Friday, September 25, 2015

Eighner HW - Due Friday October 2nd.

Eighner: “On Dumpster Diving”
  • Prior to reading: Write down at the top of your journal what words or ideas come to mind when you think of a dumpster diver.  Be candid, concise, and brief.  
  • Read and annotate Lars Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving”
  • SOAPSTone
  • Journal: Write your journal after reading.  
    • How does Eighner make you feel about your own material values?  How do you relate to Dumpster diving and to what he calls the “grab for the gaudy bauble.”
    • Make sure you are using journals to practice your craft.  Concise diction is your goal.
Define and Review:
Terms: Refute/refutation, juxtaposition
Term Review: irony, ethos, pathos, logos, tone, (and any others you are still not comfortable with)
Vocabulary: assertion, romantic (in a literary sense), deplorable, practical, destitute, blight, despicable, elevated, satiric, didactic, querulous, authoritative, pragmatic, equity, indifference, consumer, undercut, gaudy, bauble, polemic, + at least 5 of your own from the text

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

9 point rubric sliding scale (30pts)

This is the 9 point rubric we discussed in class. All impromptus will be worth 30 pts and this creates a sliding scale to adjust over the quarters.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Frederick Douglass HW

Douglass Homework:
Prior to reading the essay, write a one-page journal in which you explore your own literacy.  For this, you might recall your first memories with a book, comment on the struggle or ease of learning to read in your experience, or identify the role of reading or writing in your own families.
Read and annotate Frederick Douglass’s essay “Learning to Read and Write.”
Define the following terms: understatement, metonymy, anaphora, counterargument, synecdoche, connotation, denotation
Review: Irony, allusion, figurative language, complex sentence, qualify (as in an argument), chronological sequence

Define the following vocabulary: polemic, portrayal, oppressor, apt, deceptive, shrewd, reproach, indifference, condescending, grudging, depravity, abolitionist, irate, judicious, stratagem, commence, chattel, mere, prudence, vindication

Monday, September 14, 2015

McAvoy's Rant

For those absent today due to holiday -

Please watch this clip:

And then complete a SOAPSTone and the questions that go with the video. Do as much of the sheet as you can.  We will watch the video again tomorrow and I will give you about 10 more minutes to work on the sheet before our discussion.

Angelou HW

Homework - due Wednesday 9/16

Read and annotate Maya Angelou’s “Graduation”.  
SOAPSTone, brief but quality
Write a one-page journal response to question 4 on page 32

Define the following terms: parallel structure, pathetic fallacy, faulty reasoning, metaphor, imagery
     and vocabulary: pedantic, indifferent, detachment, subjective, objective, substantive,

Next week: Quiz date TBA, AP style

Friday, September 11, 2015

For Parents who couldn't attend open house

If you were unable to attend open house, please feel free to go through the Google Slides Presentation - Open House and contact me if you have any questions.

Notes and video link

For those of you absent -

Here are your notes and  the video that we watched.  Watch the video shown above and then create your own SOAPSTone.  We will discuss the SOAPSTone in class on Monday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First assignment UPDATE

In talking to Mrs. Willett, we are making the active reading and 6 critical points due THURSDAY - not Friday.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Syllabus and Remind 101

Students, you are responsible for printing out the syllabus and knowing what's expected of you. Please note the parent-student action plan. Please sign and return by the end of the week.

Also, as a method of communicating blog/assignment changes/updates, we will be using Remind101. Please sign up as soon as you can. Instructions are shown below.

Text 81010 and send the following message:  @pcepaplang