Saturday, September 19, 2015

Frederick Douglass HW

Douglass Homework:
Prior to reading the essay, write a one-page journal in which you explore your own literacy.  For this, you might recall your first memories with a book, comment on the struggle or ease of learning to read in your experience, or identify the role of reading or writing in your own families.
Read and annotate Frederick Douglass’s essay “Learning to Read and Write.”
Define the following terms: understatement, metonymy, anaphora, counterargument, synecdoche, connotation, denotation
Review: Irony, allusion, figurative language, complex sentence, qualify (as in an argument), chronological sequence

Define the following vocabulary: polemic, portrayal, oppressor, apt, deceptive, shrewd, reproach, indifference, condescending, grudging, depravity, abolitionist, irate, judicious, stratagem, commence, chattel, mere, prudence, vindication

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