Friday, September 25, 2015

Eighner HW - Due Friday October 2nd.

Eighner: “On Dumpster Diving”
  • Prior to reading: Write down at the top of your journal what words or ideas come to mind when you think of a dumpster diver.  Be candid, concise, and brief.  
  • Read and annotate Lars Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving”
  • SOAPSTone
  • Journal: Write your journal after reading.  
    • How does Eighner make you feel about your own material values?  How do you relate to Dumpster diving and to what he calls the “grab for the gaudy bauble.”
    • Make sure you are using journals to practice your craft.  Concise diction is your goal.
Define and Review:
Terms: Refute/refutation, juxtaposition
Term Review: irony, ethos, pathos, logos, tone, (and any others you are still not comfortable with)
Vocabulary: assertion, romantic (in a literary sense), deplorable, practical, destitute, blight, despicable, elevated, satiric, didactic, querulous, authoritative, pragmatic, equity, indifference, consumer, undercut, gaudy, bauble, polemic, + at least 5 of your own from the text

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