Thursday, September 29, 2016

Eighner HW

Eighner: Due Tuesday
  • Prior to reading: Write down at the top of your journal what words or ideas come to mind when you think of a dumpster diver.  Be candid, concise, and brief.  
  • Read and annotate Lars Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving”
  • SOAPSTone
  • Journal: Write your journal after reading.  
    • How does Eighner make you feel about your own material values?  How do you relate to Dumpster diving and to what he calls the “grab for the gaudy bauble.”
Define and Review:
Terms: Refute/refutation, juxtaposition
Term Review: irony, ethos, pathos, logos, tone, (and any others you are still not comfortable with)
Vocabulary: assertion, romantic (in a literary sense), deplorable, practical, destitute, blight, despicable, elevated, satiric, didactic, querulous, authoritative, pragmatic, equity, indifference, consumer, undercut, gaudy, bauble + 5 of your own from the text

Vocabulary review: polemic

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016

Douglass HW

Douglass Homework:
Prior to reading the essay, write a one-page journal in which you explore your own literacy.  For this, you might recall your first memories with a book, comment on the struggle or ease of learning to read in your experience, or identify the role of reading or writing in your own families.
Read and annotate Frederick Douglass’s essay “Learning to Read and Write.” (remember, I will not collect annotations, but I may spot check a few randomly selected people)
Define the following terms: understatement, metonymy, anaphora, counterargument, synecdoche, connotation, denotation, qualify (as in an argument), figurative language, complex sentence, chronological sequence
Review: Irony, allusion
Define the following vocabulary: polemic, portrayal, oppressor, apt, deceptive, shrewd, reproach, indifference, condescending, grudging, depravity, abolitionist, irate, judicious, stratagem, commence, chattel, mere, prudence, vindication


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Novel Project

Novel project instructions.  Remember, your novel (and why you are interested in that book) should be turned in Monday Sept 19.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Angelou HW - Due Wednesday 9/14

Read and annotate Maya Angelou’s “Graduation”.  
SOAPSTone, brief but quality
Write a one-page journal response to question 4 on page 32

Define the following terms: parallel structure, pathetic fallacy, faulty reasoning, metaphor, imagery, irony, hyperbole, paradox, personification, allusion, simile
     and vocabulary: pedantic, indifferent, detachment, subjective, objective, substantive,

      exposition, exasperated


If you were absent today or would like a paper copy of the triangle practice, please use this version.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome to AP Lang/Comp


In case you weren't here or were a late add, here is your syllabus.

Also, we highly recommend that you buy the class textbook so that you can annotate without penalty. Remember we are using the 3rd edition and the book looks like this.