Thursday, September 29, 2016

Eighner HW

Eighner: Due Tuesday
  • Prior to reading: Write down at the top of your journal what words or ideas come to mind when you think of a dumpster diver.  Be candid, concise, and brief.  
  • Read and annotate Lars Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving”
  • SOAPSTone
  • Journal: Write your journal after reading.  
    • How does Eighner make you feel about your own material values?  How do you relate to Dumpster diving and to what he calls the “grab for the gaudy bauble.”
Define and Review:
Terms: Refute/refutation, juxtaposition
Term Review: irony, ethos, pathos, logos, tone, (and any others you are still not comfortable with)
Vocabulary: assertion, romantic (in a literary sense), deplorable, practical, destitute, blight, despicable, elevated, satiric, didactic, querulous, authoritative, pragmatic, equity, indifference, consumer, undercut, gaudy, bauble + 5 of your own from the text

Vocabulary review: polemic

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