Monday, December 19, 2016

Rubric for project

Please print out the rubric for the project. You will need this to work from and you will need to turn it in on the day that you present. Also, if you cite research, you will also need to create and turn in a works cited page.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Johnson - Due Thursday

Steven Johnson – “Games” p 196-201

Terms: induction, rhetorical question, cumulative sentence, periodic sentence, compound sentence, compound-complex sentence, inverted syntax, anaphora, analogy, 2nd and 3rd person point of view

Vocab: hypothetical, belligerent, patronizing, derisive, satiric, skeptical, contention, cynical, invoke, ostensible, honed

Complete a SOAPSTone.

Journal  -  Read a book. How many times have you heard this in your life? Many people argue that children watch too much tv and play too many video games. Is it possible to read too many books? Answer (with development and in one page or more) the question about books. Can they be just as dangerous as tv and/or video games? Why or Why not?


Make sure you read through this handout on falacies. There are 4 on the 2nd page that are very common that you must look up on your own. You will need these for the piece we are doing for Thursday AND you may want to address these in your advertising project.


Schlosser Homework: For Wendesday read Eric Schlosser’s “Kid Kustomers” and do all of the following:

  • SOAPSTone
  • Journal Response: Many readers will be disturbed by the notions that children often recognize brand logos before their own names and that dream research is used in child-focused marketing.  Why do you think this is?  Do you find these things disturbing?  Why or why not?  
  • Vocabulary (new and review): phenomenon, consumerism, cognitive, neurological, assertive, cynical, lobby (verb), critical, pedantic
  • Terms (new and review): parallel syntax, expert testimony, complex sentence, quantitative data

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Winn HW

Homework, due Tuesday, December 6
Read Marie Winn’s “Television: The Plug-In Drug”
  1. SOAPSTone
  2. Vocabulary: temporal, prescience, reservation, affirmation, passivity
Review salutary, ambivalence, claim

Term: Concession, syntax

Journal: Full-page response: How does some specific genre of TV affect American society (individuals, family, or society in general)?  You might choose to focus on any of the following genres or you can come up with one not listed:  

Reality TV (either of the voyeur type or the skilled competitions)
24 hour news cycle
TV Drama


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

King HW

“Letter from  Birmingham Jail”, King, Jr
Vocab:  feigned, detached, grudging, cynicism, allusive, evocation
Terms: rhetorical question, imperative sentence, compound-complex sentence, apostrophe
Part one: Describe what King does in the two sentences that make up his second-to-last paragraph (par 49) How do these two variations on an apology sum up his approach to argument in this essay?

Part two: Pick a law people might break because they think it is wrong. If you might do so too, write a journal in which you defend your actions. If you would not, write a journal in which you argue against those who would. Consider the reasons King cites for his violations of the law.

Also, you should read the document that prompted MLK to write this letter from jail.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Orwell HW - due Thursday

George Orwell “Shooting an Elephant”, due Thursday, November 17
  1. Terms and Vocabulary (besides the assigned terms, look up any others you are unfamiliar with in the text.)

  1. Ambivalence     10. Polemical (review)
  2. Antipathy           11. Didactic (review)
  3. Indifference       12. trivial
  4. Imperialism
  5. Lugubrious
  6. Candid
  7. Reflective
  8. Salutary
  9. Epiphany

  1. Warrant
  2. Claim
  3. Periodic Sentence
  4. Qualifier
  5. Rebuttal
  6. Extended metaphor

  1. Be sure to complete SOAPSTone

For your journal: Write an essay response in which you discuss the nature of Orwell’s epiphany.   Compare how Orwell and two other writers have presented narrative experience that leads a protagonist to enlightenment.  Refer specifically to the text of each piece and include those features of style and rhetoric that you consider important.  This journal will be longer than other journals you’ve written.  Note that you are drafting an essay response.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Read: Virginia Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth”
  1. In your journal, respond to the imagery and rich prose, and to Woolf’s treatment of death.  Also, pick two of the questions on 451 to respond to in your journal.  So, your journal is three parted, and one page in length.

  1. Do SOAPSTone

  1. Define the following terms: synaesthesia, synecdoche, alliteration, concrete vs. abstract, subjective vs. objective, literal vs. figurative

  1. Define the following vocabulary: absolve, antagonist, intervene, exquisite, cumbered, circumspection, alloy/unalloyed,nostalgia, adulation, oddity, monotony, sullen, empathy, sentimental

Monday, October 24, 2016

Formal Essay notes

Make sure you read through this document as you are revising your Oscar Wilde or Queen Elizabeth speech

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Plato HW due 10/26

Read (and annotate) Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” multiple times.

Term: Oxymoron

In your reading journal, focus on the following things:
  1. Vocabulary you need to know to understand the allegory.  Collect as many words from the reading that you need and gather their definitions and any sample sentences or examples that you need in order to make sense of the allegory.

Split the next two questions over your one page journal entry:
  1. Respond to question 4 on page 299.
  2. Explain in a paragraph why this is called an allegory.  You might identify the allegorical representations and the message.

Complete SOAPSTone, of course

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Important announcement

I'm sorry I wasn't there today. Don't stress over today's team quiz.  It was actually a NOT quiz. Meaning it counts for participation but not accuracy.  Also for tomorrow, you will still have the terms and vocab quiz but you will also do one reading and 10 questions from a released AP test. Those will be your two quizzes.  I also am aware that I did not answer questions about the stereotypes project. I will address that on Monday.

To both hours - You will write an impromptu on Monday. It will not be on Ericsson but a released RA from the AP.

Do know that I would be there if I had any semblance of a voice at all. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

UPDATE: Stereotypes project

Please read the document for instructions on your Defying Stereotypes Project.  I will answer any and all questions tomorrow (Thursday) first thing in class.

Due date - Carlisle Thursday 10/20, Willett Wednesday 10/19

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ericsson - due Tuesday

Ericsson, “The Ways We Lie”

SOAPSTone: Be concise.

Journal: Describe the consequences of a day in which you told no lies, one full page, minimum.

Terms: polysyndeton, asyndeton, cumulative sentence, colloquialism, Rhetorical Question

Vocabulary: omission, façade, lively, didactic, moralistic, provocative, sarcastic, acerbic, nonchalant, confrontational, informal, functional, deflection, groupthink, cliché, delusion

Terms Review: hyperbole, metaphor, personification, metonymy

General Review: run-on sentence, complex sentence

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Eighner R/S questions

Use these questions for discussion tomorrow.  Also, reading and terms/vocab quizzes will be THURSDAY.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Eighner HW

Eighner: Due Tuesday
  • Prior to reading: Write down at the top of your journal what words or ideas come to mind when you think of a dumpster diver.  Be candid, concise, and brief.  
  • Read and annotate Lars Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving”
  • SOAPSTone
  • Journal: Write your journal after reading.  
    • How does Eighner make you feel about your own material values?  How do you relate to Dumpster diving and to what he calls the “grab for the gaudy bauble.”
Define and Review:
Terms: Refute/refutation, juxtaposition
Term Review: irony, ethos, pathos, logos, tone, (and any others you are still not comfortable with)
Vocabulary: assertion, romantic (in a literary sense), deplorable, practical, destitute, blight, despicable, elevated, satiric, didactic, querulous, authoritative, pragmatic, equity, indifference, consumer, undercut, gaudy, bauble + 5 of your own from the text

Vocabulary review: polemic

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016

Douglass HW

Douglass Homework:
Prior to reading the essay, write a one-page journal in which you explore your own literacy.  For this, you might recall your first memories with a book, comment on the struggle or ease of learning to read in your experience, or identify the role of reading or writing in your own families.
Read and annotate Frederick Douglass’s essay “Learning to Read and Write.” (remember, I will not collect annotations, but I may spot check a few randomly selected people)
Define the following terms: understatement, metonymy, anaphora, counterargument, synecdoche, connotation, denotation, qualify (as in an argument), figurative language, complex sentence, chronological sequence
Review: Irony, allusion
Define the following vocabulary: polemic, portrayal, oppressor, apt, deceptive, shrewd, reproach, indifference, condescending, grudging, depravity, abolitionist, irate, judicious, stratagem, commence, chattel, mere, prudence, vindication


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Novel Project

Novel project instructions.  Remember, your novel (and why you are interested in that book) should be turned in Monday Sept 19.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Angelou HW - Due Wednesday 9/14

Read and annotate Maya Angelou’s “Graduation”.  
SOAPSTone, brief but quality
Write a one-page journal response to question 4 on page 32

Define the following terms: parallel structure, pathetic fallacy, faulty reasoning, metaphor, imagery, irony, hyperbole, paradox, personification, allusion, simile
     and vocabulary: pedantic, indifferent, detachment, subjective, objective, substantive,

      exposition, exasperated


If you were absent today or would like a paper copy of the triangle practice, please use this version.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome to AP Lang/Comp


In case you weren't here or were a late add, here is your syllabus.

Also, we highly recommend that you buy the class textbook so that you can annotate without penalty. Remember we are using the 3rd edition and the book looks like this.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

SOAPSTone mini project

For those of you out at AP Calc today, please download the SOAPSTone mini project for your directions. Any question, just email me.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ehrenrieich HW

Read Barbara Ehrenreich - "Serving in Florida"
Vocab: exploitation, mutually exclusive, solipsism, narcissism, inherent, immutable, corroborate, infallible,
Review all terms: focus on induction, deduction
SOAPSTone: avoid one word answers

Journal: One to two page response to questions 2, 3, or 4 on page 145.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Swift for President

These are the final designs.  Use the google form to order your shirt. PLEASE note there are two chocies blue ring/red ink or red ring/blue ink. Do not answer both questions on the form or you will get both shirts.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Allusions in Didion

Sorry about the tardiness of this document.

Hopefully you were procrastinating and hadn't started studying yet.  Better late than never. Here it is.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dillard HW - due Wednesday

Annie Dillard, “Seeing”:
Terms: alliteration, inversion, personification, litotes, metaphor, simile, allusion, paradox, epigram, irony, literal, analogy, reflection, archetype
Vocab: transfixed, terse, underpin, imminent, poignant, speculative, hari-kari, lest, quavering, implied, ambiguous, exemplification, posit, conjecture, candid, anticipated, speculation

Journal: One to two page response to question 1, 2, or 4 on page 128.  

Monday, March 21, 2016


REMEMBER:  If I can get my old(ish) out of shape self out there, so can YOU!

Please join me on May 1st.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

AP registration

Use this document for instructions on how to register ONLINE.  This is new for this year, hence the reason for the delay.  BTW you must use a school account to access that document. I cannot change the settings for you. Any questions, check in counselling.

American Intstitute for Foreign Study

I have received information that you might be interested in. The AIFS is holding 4 summer workshops that are about 5 weeks long of intense language study.

Workshops available:
San Jose, Costa Rica 7/2 - 8/6, $4,995 Includes housing, meals, insurance and up to 6 credit hours from Veritas University

Paris, France
6/26 - 7/30 $5,695 Includes housing, meals (breakfast and a $subsidy for dinners), insurances, an excursion to London, and up to 6 hours university credit from the Sorbonne.

Rome, Italy
6/22 - 7/23  $5,695. Includes housing, meal vouchers, insurance, an excursion to Florence, and up to 7 hours credit from The American international University in London (campus in Rome)..

Salamanca, Spain
6/28 - 7/30 $4,545.  Includes hosuing, meal allowances (or 3 meals a day if in a home), insurance, excursions to Segovia, Avila, Mogarraz, La Alberca, and Riomalo, and up to 4 credits at University of Salamanca.

Please contact me ASAP for application information. The deadline to apply for most of these is MARCH 15!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pollan HW

For Friday, read Michael Pollan’s “What’s Eating America”.  The following homework is also due Friday.

  1. Terms.  Mostly reveiw, with a couple new ones: metaphor, pathos, logos, ethos, subjectivity, objectivity, parallelism, sentence fragment, concrete details, inverted syntax, anaphora, premise, qualify, refute, transition, syntax, irony, antimetabole, amplification

  1. Vocabulary: mitigated, contemporary, proximity, articulate, assertion, generalize, magnitude, mock, chronological, miraculous, capitalism, colonize, boon, anachronism

  1. Journal Response:  Answer question two or four on pages 305-6 with a full-page response.

  1. SOAPSTone

  1. Do any research necessary to fully understand the text, annotate, and bring questions if you have them.